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    Meaning of WAQF

    As defined under Section 3 (r) of “The Waqf Act- 1995 as amended in 2013”, Waqf means the permanent dedication by any person, of any movable or immovable property for any purpose recognized by the Muslim law as religious or charitable.

    The prophet said “Tie up the property and devote the usufruct to the welfare of human beings, and it is not to be sold or made the subject of gift or inheritance , devote its produce to your children , your kindred and the poor and in the way of Allah”.

    Types of Waqf

    Usually there are three types of Waqf recognised as under-
    (i) Waqf by User:- Where any piece of land or portion of a building has been used permanently for any religons or pious purpose and the owner had no objection to it or has an intention to allow to continue such practice then such Waqf is called a Waqf by user, example Mosque, Madrasa, etc.
    (ii) Waqf Mashrut-ul-khidmat is a Public Waqf where the Wa'kif has devoted the property for the general benefit of Muslim community and means a grant stipulated for rendering services.'
    (iii) Waqf-al-al-aulad is that unique feature of Islamic law where a property is made Waqf for the welfare of the Wa'kif's own family or his children or children of his children. It is called Waqf-aI-al-aulad or Waqf for progeny.

    Waqf Across India

    Chairman Message

    मेरा लक्ष्य है कि उत्तराखण्ड़ राज्य के अन्तर्गत आने वाले समस्त औक़ाफ मिल्कियत की पूरी निष्ठा से सुरक्षा करुं एवं औक़ाफ जिस मक़सद के लिए बनाये गये हैं यानि बेसहारा, यतीम, मिस्किनों की मदद, मस्जिद, मदरसों के इंतजाम वगैरह में वक़्फ की आमदनी का सर्वोत्तम उपयोग हो सके और जो भी लोग औक़ाफ की इमलाकों पर गलत नज़रें गडाए बैठे हैं, उन्हें कानून के मुताबिक उनकी असल जगह पर पहूंचा सकूं।  इसके मदरसों में दी जा दीनी तालीम के साथ-साथ दुनयावी तालीम का भी माकूल इंतजाम करुं।

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